Defense Department policy gives service members up to 10 days for house hunting at a new assignment location, but policies vary among the services.
An administrative absence (permissive temporary duty) may be authorized in conjunction with a permanent change-of-station move when government quarters are not immediately available or, if available, are not required to be occupied at the new installation.
Delay en route. Service members can get delay-en-route leave in conjunction with a PCS move. Whenever feasible, they will be authorized annual leave, provided no excess leave is involved. For example, a commander can approve leave so a member can take vacation days on the way to the new duty station.
Proceed time. A service member on PCS orders to or from a dependent-restricted or unaccompanied tour overseas may be authorized up to four days of administrative leave (not charged as leave or travel time) to help family members move. Commanders of ships changing home ports can authorize proceed time in conjunction with the movement of household goods or a privately owned vehicle.
Proceed time is not authorized for a move to a member's first permanent duty station, separation, release from active duty or retirement. It also is not available for moves between nearby stations or ships with the same home port, or when orders require reporting within four days.
Troops and families can find temporary lodging at most bases. Reservations may be necessary, and most military facilities do not accept pets. Policies and prices vary. In some cases, online reservations are possible. Military families with pets can consult travel guides and websites, such as www.petswelcome.com, which list pet-friendly accommodations.
Contact: www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/lodging.cfm or www.militaryinstallations.dod.mil. Search by installation or by "temporary lodging/billeting" under the programs and services drop-down menu.